I am writing to you regarding our pre-camp COVID testing protocols. We were informed very suddenly yesterday that our testing partner, Kodiak, has been ordered to cease operations. Kodiak had been highlighted by the American Camp Association as a testing partner, so we were very surprised to learn that they were shutting down. That being said, we have a new plan to make sure everyone gets a COVID test prior to camp.
Pre-Camp PCR Test – We still ask that each camper receive a pre-camp PCR test 3-4 days before their start date at camp. We are now asking you to schedule and complete those independently. You must email us the results at PRIOR to coming to the bus stop/camp on the first day of the session. This means you will no longer need to complete the intake form or telehealth appointment coordinated through Kodiak. There are a few COVID test sites that Mosh staff have had successful experiences with. These include: Sameday Health, Curative, LJ Medical Health and Wellness, and various pharmacies (CVS, grocery store), etc. If you need assistance finding a COVID-19 testing site, don’t hesitate to reach out – we would be happy to help!
If your camper has had COVID-19 within 90 days of their start at camp, please report this information to us in the Health History form. They will not need to take a PCR test prior to camp.
Day 1 & 4 Rapid Tests – Mosh staff will be conducting rapid tests at the bus stops and on day four of camp. They will be trained in appropriate testing procedures by our camp nurses.
All other rapid tests at camp will be conducted by the camp staff, as previously planned.
As many of you may be aware, a few days ago, the FDA approved the COVID-19 booster for children ages 5-11. We highly encourage all of you to have your camper receive the booster shot.
While we will not be requiring the booster due to the short turnaround before camp, we strongly urge you to have your child receive the booster shot. Vaccination is our strongest tool against the spread of COVID-19 and the higher our full-vaccination rate, the less likely we will be to have COVID-19 at camp this summer. This will mean a more "normal" summer for all of the campers - one full of connection, amazing activities, and a sense of community belonging. Let's work together to bring them this joyful and meaningful experience.
Dear Mosh Families,
I am writing with updates, as promised, about Visitors Day at camp this summer. Our COVID committee has weighed the decision and has agreed that our priority is for camp to be as normal as possible for the campers this summer. To that end, we will not be having a general Visitors Day, in order to mitigate risk of COVID coming to camp.
We will however, be hosting a special Amelimot + Nitzanimot Tekkes (Celebration) each session. This will be on the last day of each program – First Session: July 10; Second Session: July 31. At this time, parents of Amelimot and Nitzanimot, our rising 3-5th graders, will be invited to camp for a short presentation and a meet and greet with their child’s counselors. Parents will remain masked while at camp. At the end of the tekkes, parents will take their campers home.
Dear Mosh Community,
I am writing to keep you all informed of our COVID-19 policies for this coming summer. Mosh’s COVID committee, which is made up of year-round staff, summer staff, and camp parents, has been hard at work preparing these protocols. These protocols are informed by the American Camp Association recommendations, which in turn are informed by input from the CDC, other public health professionals, and camp medical professionals.
Summer 2022 COVID-19 Protocols:
All campers and staff will be up-to-date in their COVID-19 vaccination, which means having all recommended shots. For those over 12, this includes the booster shot. We will accept medical exemptions to this vaccination policy.
All campers and staff will conduct a PCR test 3 days before their arrival date at camp. The test will be provided by our testing company, Kodiak, and we will follow up with more information from Kodiak about testing logistics
On each arrival day, campers will rapid test before arriving at camp. If campers are arriving by bus, this will mean rapid testing before getting on the bus. If campers will be arriving directly to camp, this means rapid testing in the camp parking lot before exiting the car.
Anyone testing positive with two rapid tests on their arrival date must quarantine for seven days and achieve a negative rapid test OR achieve a negative PCR test before being able to attend camp.
If case rates are over 30 per 100,000 per week in Montgomery County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Washington, DC, and New York, we will have campers cohort by age group for the first four days at camp. Indoors, cohorts must mask or distance around other cohorts. On day four, we will conduct rapid tests to confirm that everyone is negative, before lifting the cohorting.
We will eat in the chadar ochel (dining hall) with as many ventilation improvements as possible and will use our other indoors spaces as normal.
We will do rapid testing on a symptom-basis.
Visitors: At camp, we often host visitors, such as the rising 11th graders, friends of staff members, representatives of camping organizations, and trainers. We will allow visitors to camp who are coming from somewhere with a case rate of less than 100 per 100,000 per week. All visitors must have a negative rapid test upon arrival to camp. We are still deliberating over a family Visitors Day, but will communicate our decision on this as soon as possible.
Staff members will be allowed to leave camp for their off-time, if case rates in Montgomery County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, and Washington, DC remain below 100 per 100,000 per week. All staff members will sign contracts committing to the rules of their off-time, which will include not attending indoor unmasked gatherings or other large mass gatherings.
All campers staying for six weeks will remain at camp over intersession.
If someone at camp tests positive for COVID-19, they will go home to quarantine for seven days and test negative on a rapid antigen test OR test negative on a PCR test before being allowed to return to camp.
This implementation and substance of this policy is up to the discretion of the camp leadership. If we need to make any changes, we will do so, and will commit to communicating them out as promptly as possible.
We are requiring all campers and staff at Camp Moshava to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Persons 12 years of age and older require a booster to be up-to-date. The Pfizer booster is medically feasible 5 months after the second vaccine dose, so if you have not yet looked into the booster, please do so ASAP. Our decision to do this is supported by current scientific data and guidance from local and national youth camp health experts. Our hope is that entirely vaccinated camp population may allow for fewer restrictive covid protocols than in Summer 2021.
Our Covid Committee is hard at work continuing to craft our protocols for Summer 2022. We commit to communicating out any decisions for this summer as we are able to. All updates about Summer 2022 will be emailed to registered families, as well as posted on this page.